2008年1月28日 星期一

[電影] Death Sentence

Nicholas "Nick" Hume: Where are you, you bastard?
Billy Darly: You want to send me a reward for finding that wallet of yours?
Nicholas "Nick" Hume: You tell me where the fuck you are, right now!
Billy Darly: No, I'll tell you where the fuck you are. You're in my end of the fucking sewer, buddy. I say who lives. I say who dies. Now you better get that through your fucking skull, because there's no more warnings. I'm coming for some fucking family time.
Nicholas "Nick" Hume: No. You listen to me. You go near my family, and I will cut out your goddamn guts like I did your fucking friend. Do you hear me?
Billy Darly: He wasn't my friend. He was my brother. And now I'm coming for the rest of your family. You just bought them a death sentence, motherfucker.

OK, 髒話的用法...有很多種...上面這一段是嗆聲很好的示範...

我一直覺的Kevin Bacon給我的感覺邪氣很重, 可能是他在隱形人裡面演的太壞, 在片中一開始那種好爸爸的形象, 總覺得不太像, 之後失控的復仇行為反而比較像他...這部片的賣點應該是一個保險公司的副總幹掉一群兇神惡煞組成的幫派份子...這種片看多了, 再去美國, 會更加提心吊膽的...

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