2021年12月31日 星期五

[電影] 2021年深得我心的電影和值得一追的劇


2021年這個疫情年, 讓很多電影無法上映, 電影院跟著疫情關門, 上電影院次數變少, 電影少看很多部, 只好盡情的在OTT上, 尤其Netflix的老電影, 真的是疫情下最好的解藥. 

另外, 影集的部分今年是火力全開, 尤其MCU今年的那幾部連載, 不追怎麼可以, 所以現在我的OTT購買策略, 就是每幾個月輪流訂閱一下.

根據Letterboxd的紀錄2021年總共看的228部電影和影集, 不得不說Letterboxd還是我最喜歡用來整理電影的方式, 雖然它涵蓋的影集太少, 評論幹話很多...

[Ne Zha / 哪吒之魔童降世]

對岸的動畫怎麼可以進展如此快速? 訝異!

I still can not believe the film is from China.
The topic is good and story is excellent.
Moreover, it gives the dragon different meanings.
Hopefully, Ne Zha can have series.

[Joint Security Area / 共同警戒區

國家立場 vs. 個人立場, 最佳演繹. 話說我們跟對岸冷熱戰那麼久, 連一部可以反思的電影都沒有, 可不可以對立的專業一些!

Hey, country situation is not equal to each persons.

[Score: A Film Music Documentary / 電影配樂傳奇]

身為電影原聲的愛好者, 這個紀錄片必須看.

As the fan of OST, the Documentary is necessary to watch.

[A Few Good Men / 軍官與魔鬼

今年真的又看了不少老電影, 軍官與魔鬼是那些年的極致好片, 為什麼那些年隨便拍的電影都是永恆的經典? 你可以看到Tom Cruise天生會演戲, 但主角應該是Jack Nicholson無誤, 這專業瘋子的氣場很強大.

Hey, Jack Nicholson is natural crazy.

Without Jack Nicholson, Tom Cruise can not perform so well.

Several years past, I knew there are crowded of stars in A Few Good Men.

[Zack Snyder's Justice League / 查克·史奈德之正義聯盟

黑白版也不錯, 當年彩色版我並不覺得難看, 導演剪輯版真得更好就是.

The slow motion and dark color of Zack is amazing, especially for the heroes film. As you known, all heroes need to face the time issue, no matter you are in MCU or DC Universe.

[The Karate Kid / 小子難纏

Nexflix的老電影真的評價越來越好, 這是我年幼時期沉迷其中的的電影之一.

Thanks for Netflix. We can enjoy the film that one of best film when I was a kid.

[News of the World / 讀報人]

Tom Hanks一出手便知有沒有, 64歲的老伯還拍這樣的微動作片電影, 對他來說拍電影是真正的真愛吧!

Tom Hanks is still good for action film and he is also a good story teller. Hey, I can not believe he is 64 and still can be a primary actor in the film. Helena Zengel could be a super star in the future, because she can well in front of Tom Hanks.

[E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial / E.T.外星人]

再重新看E.T.還是一樣精彩! John Williams真是有如神一樣存在電影靈魂中的人.

There are some films that recovery so good. It is better than I saw when I was a kid.

E.T. is still excellent and immortal. John Williams is always part of film, although his music is too strong sometimes.

[The Trial of the Chicago 7 / 芝加哥七人案:驚世審判

故事說的流暢, 雖然是一個沉悶的主題, 看的也是津津有味.

This is the film told the story very seriously, but you do not feel asleep.

The film and the story are all good lesson.

Frank Langella is excellent for his character.

[The Courier / 鐵幕行動

Benedict Cumberbatch的作品, 都應該去電影院捧場一下. 這幾年BC是不是撈錢撈瘋了~

The face of Benedict Cumberbatch changed so big.

Although there is no huge gun and fight, it is real spy story.

[Better Days / 少年的你]

低估了這部電影, 周冬雨是對岸最可以演愛情片的女演員, 質樸且胭脂味低.

Dongyu Zhou and Jackson Yee are more than I thought.

Confucianism is always confused, which is occurred around Asia.

[My Octopus Teacher / 我的章魚老師]

好啦! 我真的相信章魚很聰明.

Now, I understand Octopus is clever, which I am afraid of eating them.

[I Care a Lot / 詐欺女王

Rosamund Pike真是一個邪氣很重的女演員, 看他演出一整個舒暢.

Rosamund Pike is always surprisingly amazing. She smells like a truly bad guy. You would hope she loses, and hope she wins.

The ending of I Care a Lot tells you need lots of body guard, when you are doing something very interesting.

[Love, Death & Robots: Pop Squad]

長篇電影都不一定可以把故事講好, 愛x死x機器人每集都小辣椒樣的很短, 但故事驚人如同一部電影一般, 尤其探討生命長度這種議題, 耳目一新.

Hey, long life is not a life.

[Survival Family / 生存家族

準備好對抗世界末日, 你需要這一部!

This is the film we all need to watch.

Hey, prepare your healthy body and bike.

This would be occurred one day in the near future.

[Into the Wild / 阿拉斯加之死

那個時候的Kristen Stewart完全不一樣, 現在是走鐘到看不出她是誰? 這是真實故事來的. 

Emile Hirsch is amazing.

Moreover, Kristen Stewart was SUPER hot at that time.

Hey, when you are checking book for something related survival, you need to read it very carefully.

[Mirage / 幻象

把時間和空間失序解釋的很好的影片, 來自西班牙, 訝異中.

This is kind of best film of time/space disorder, which is hard to understand but you can understand. You need to think when your watching.

[Persian Lessons / 波斯語課

今年最好的二戰電影, 戰爭永遠是最好的題材, 看你有沒有故事而已, 看完這一部會發現, 這樣也可以?!

It should be the best WWII film this year.

Please note:

1. Learning a language by dictionary or book, instead of someone who does not like you.

2. Do not mean with your friends, especially you have sandwich.

3. Do not underestimate the power of book that can save your life.

4. Memorize the name of everyone that can help you one day.

5. Handwriting is very important.

[Eternals / 永恆族

永恆族真的拍得很好啊! 最少比尚氣好, 尤其視覺效果在2021疫情年來說, 更是不簡單. 

1. It should be best film of MCU on 2021.

2. The fight part is amazing especially.

3. Angelina Jolie's face seems suitable for acting something out of control.

4. These gods almost cover all different races and topics, which help MCU goes different countries and groups. It is smart.

5. Ajak's English proof she is from out of space.

6. Gilgamesh and Thena are couple undoubtedly, because they live together and he baked for her.

7. How about Druig fight with Scarlet Witch?

8. Did Makkari have any descendants?

9. Without Phastos, you do not have iphone.

10. Sprite would show again, because she can grow up.

11. Kingo created Bollywood.

12. Does Ikaris also from Krypton?

13. Sersi's power should be more than you though.

[Eungyo / 蘿莉塔:情陷謬思]

好吧! 說到這樣類型的電影, 韓國人真的舉世無雙.

That is from classic Korean and they can do it excellent.

[Spider-Man: No Way Home / 蜘蛛人:無家日

很擔心以後的電影和影集可能全部都是來自MCU. 劇本可以寫成這樣, 無話可說.

The script of No Way Home is smart.

1. It becomes reasonable we have 3 Spider-man in the world.

2. Tom Holland Spider-man can go to everywhere.

3. No Way Home is key point that to have Doctor Strange 2. Multiverse of Madness should be new 10 years planning of MCU.

However, Doctor Strange is not smart like I imagine and he can be beat by Math.

Also, I am afraid there would be MCU films only in the future.

BTW, MIT is still the one for most senior high school students.

[The Queen's Gambit / 后翼棄兵

西洋棋我不懂, 但看的還是很開心, Anya Taylor-Joy不正且妖魔但氣場強大, 表情就可以玩弄你很久. 

Anya Taylor-Joy is more than I can think. When she was in Split, I believed she would be a super star. Anyway, I feel something same as Killing Eve.

All character are the one chosen and they all act excellent. It is not image it just a short series.

OK! I come back to Netflix again.


因為疫情, 不能出國, 所以把這部第一季啃完了, 遙望巴黎.

[Stove League / 金牌救援]

探討如何經營棒球隊的韓國影集, 仔細觀察韓國影集都有套路, 甚至公式, 把不同的元素集結在一起, 打完收工. 還有, 韓國演員多, 所以選角正確.

The script is excellent. They know how to let you watch next episode by next continuously.

[WandaVision / 汪達幻視

一路追MCU影集, 汪達幻視作為MCU影集開端, 向過去的影集致敬.

Do not watch too much story guess from youtube!

I start to believe there would be only MCU in the would of film.

[The Falcon and the Winter Soldier / 獵鷹與酷寒戰士]

完全幫獵鷹打造, 有一點悶, 考驗影迷忠不忠實.

[Loki / 洛基]


I believed Loki would be the begin of next MCU series.

The only one thing I feel uncomfortable is Loki seems more honestly. He changes himself to have perfect story.

Hey, Do not believe your organization!

[What If...? / 無限可能:假如…?]


[Hawkeye / 鷹眼]


[Money Heist S5 / 紙房子]

一直追紙房子的原因, 跟當年一直追紙牌屋的感覺是一樣的, 捨不得割棄.

[機智醫生生活 S1 S2

好看到連黑膠原聲帶都買了, 樂團秀是這影集的精華和濃縮.

[派遣女醫X 第7季]

雖然韓劇很強, 但大門還是我們全家多年的好朋友, 這醫療劇根本是爆笑劇.


除了大門, 我們全家的另一個好友是五郎!


畫面都是藍天白雲, 很適合不能出門的時候觀看.

The view is amazing and enjoy the blue sky of watching.

[Squid Game / 魷魚遊戲]


It is bloody because of poor.


忽然發現追了不少韓劇, 看了幾部韓劇, 主要演員都沒有重複, 然怪影視是一種工業, 後面需要的人才也是一整缸. 


秉持台灣在地精神把它看完, 話說拍本土歷史劇很好, 但是可不可以來一點有趣, 讓我們這些專業追劇戶部會那麼辛苦.


這部也是一樣不有趣的歷史劇, 但是畫面考究又帶美感.

[Community / 廢柴聯盟] [Superstore / 爆笑超市]

如果疫情生活太沉悶可以看這兩部, 爆笑梗沒有底線, 老美的各種歧視梗是消磨時間的最好影集.

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