2017年很熱情的把哈利波特和回到未來重新看一遍, 尤其回到未來還是很夠味, 沒有因為時間而過期.
2017年觀看記錄總共有217片, 老話一句, 如果我不是在看電影, 就是在要去看電影的路上.
[Mr. Church / 丘奇先生]

好久沒看到Eddie Murphy, 黑人還是老的好, 慢火的韻味十足, 片中在廚房料理的畫面令人心曠神怡, 當然還有很剛好的爵士樂, 整部片慢的很舒服.
The story is touched. The music of film is wonderful and Jazz is beautiful. I almost forget Eddie Murphy, who performs excellent in Mr. Church. The cooking and gourmet is attractive, when Jazz is in background especially.
As the story said, we are influencing and save each other. Hey, cherish the people you meet, which may save your life
[The Whole Truth / 完全真相]

今年最好看的法庭片, Keanu Reeves帥度依舊, 而且很凍齡, 看到最後才知道結果的好片.
Keanu Reeves has no big change. How does he keep young for these years?
The step of The Whole Truth is quick and smooth. The film is a good lesson for law and defend. Hey, the real killer who never use knife. The real friend/lover who will do something for you without any request. The real smart guy who can guess what he should do. These 3 lives guys are all smart. This is interesting thing in the film.
[John Wick: Chapter 2 / 捍衛任務2:殺神回歸]

再來一部Keanu Reeves的好片, John Wick 1 打打殺殺有點無感, 捍衛任務2:殺神回歸開始轉向有好的鋪陳, 殺的很熱血沸騰, 對了! 別惹毛愛狗的人.
Keanu Reeves is the actor you will like, especially to be a cold killer, although his fighting is not really martial and even more a little bit slow.
There are 5 things I was astonished.
1. There are so many killers and everywhere.
2. John Wick dies hard mostly. I believe the scene should count the number when he kill, which is very game. You can use it in chapter 3.
3. The final scene is around the mirror; however, the camera hides very good. How?
4. The pencil is very dangerous.
5. Do not piss up the man who like dogs. Do not forget the story of John Wick is from a dog.
[Alone in Berlin / 柏林孤影]

每年都會有二戰片精選, 相信大家都把目光給克里斯多福·諾蘭的敦克爾克大行動, 不過老實說這種大場面的戰爭片實在有一點麻痺了, 今年最優的二戰片給Alone in Berlin, 觀影過程會緊張就是有感覺了.
The color of film is classic. I like the scene of German in WWII. These two guys is brave, because of their son. Moreover, it is true story. If you were Otto, will you do the same thing like him?
Frankly, German is most tough country in the world. Please do not stay low too long.
[Manchester by the Sea / 海邊的曼徹斯特]

Casey Affleck的臉有夠憂鬱, 配合上海邊的小城鎮, 海風和陰冷的天氣, 整部片blue到快要發紫, 話說電影沒有好的結局好像也不錯.
This is a sad and blue story. Casey Affleck is the face of blue and he acts so natural. After the film, I felt regret for him. As the time past, he can recover, but the pain may not be gone and never heal. The extreme sad is no tear and bring the sad together with life forever. I thank the ending is OK instead of happy, which is more near real life.
Hey, Ben Affleck you lost the game.
[La La Land / 樂來越愛你]
超好的音樂劇, 一開場的LA大塞車就很熱血沸騰, 音樂也是百聽不厭, LA還是如往常一般的很迷人.
I watched the movie with IMAX, which is very astonished. The scene of LA is beautiful and the music is amazing. In final scene of seb's, it is REALLY touched. For a human, It is not easy to have passion and also not easy to continue it. Moreover, it is not easy to make dream to come true. Then, in front of dream, marriage seems to be little . However, you need to have someone to company you and courage each other. The ending is also good. The best lover is friend.
From Whiplash, I started to know Damien Chazelle. Whiplash is also one of my favorite film. La La Land is better than Whiplash. It is not easy to see someone who would like to film musical now. Although Chazelle did not film many, his future is expectation.
Also, you do not need to know the JAZZ and perform, because you can learn from film. Hey, take the time to watch it and you would not regret it.
[Blade Runner 2049 / 銀翼殺手2049]

La La Land的Ryan Gosling今年還有另一部好片銀翼殺手2049, 雖然票房不頂好, 但絕對是今年最好看的科幻片, 當複製人不再是複製人, 身為複製人的上帝 - 人類, 要怎麼處理複製人, 複製人又要怎麼抵抗人類.
1. When replicant is not only a robot, they know how to create next generations. Human afraid it and try to destroy them. Human can not let another species exist, which would damage human. Especially, they are created by human.
2. How do you recognize your memory is real? Maybe we are all replicant.
[Lion / 漫漫回家路]
一部能讓Nicole Kidman當配角的電影就可以知道Lion的故事有多好. 真實故事改編, 凡事要謝謝Google大神!
1. This s a good real touched story.
2. Young Saroo was acted by Sunny Pawar, who is excellent.
3. Dev Patel is different after Slumdog Millionaire. He is mature and can be a leading actor in different story.
4. Although there are few scenes for Nicole Kidman, she is key point. She really can touch your heart with her face.
5. I can not believe Garth Davis is young director.
Thanks Google!
[Dangal / 我和我的冠軍女兒]

也是關於印度的電影, Aamir Khan很強不用多說, 我和我的冠軍女兒故事性很好, 再加上真實故事改編, 故事長但無冷場.
這幾年的電影趨勢 - 真實故事改編, 越來越是主流!
There is a tons of bad for the movie.
1. From the beginning, you know the ending the movie. This is template of story.
2. The girl is too cute and hot, which may be not same as reality.
3. The specific parts should not base on real. The coach prison player's father. This is far away with real.
However, the story is very encouraged. Although the story is template, the tempo is very fluent that keeps you in the step of film. It is a good story teller. You can be happy all parts of story.
Aamir Khan is excellent. Because of him, I start to like India.
[Split / 分裂]
James McAvoy的演技真好, 故事很燒腦, 而且看片過程壟罩在詭異氣氛中不太舒服, 能編出這樣的劇情如果不是心理學家應該就是精神病患了.
I never thought Professor X can act so good. James McAvoy is key man to make Split more attractive.
Hey, I know something right now.
1. learning how to use shotgun is so important.
2. Only broken people can heal broken people.
3. To compare with Kevin Wendell Crumb, Casey is so unbroken and brave. This is why she can survive.
4. When 'Beast' appears, I feel the Spider-Man shows up.
[Miss Sloane / 攻敵必救]

Jessica Chastain不很美, 但氣場很強大, 攻敵必救她一人撐大局, 真能演! 華府的那些政治技倆今年看這片就夠了, 腹黑程度不輸紙牌屋.
1. The film is in quick steps and keeps my mind fresh always.
2. I like not easy film, but this film needs to think more. There are many detailed things.
3. The film is close to real politics and Washington's tricks. It is better than House of Cards.
Hey, Miss Sloane is the one, but I do not want to work with her.
[Why Him? / 惱爸偏頭痛]

有時候還是要看一些無腦的歡樂片, 有錢就是韌性/任性, 看這一片準沒錯.
The film is whole shit; however, I like it. It is Funny. Rich and willful.
[Get Out / 逃出絕命鎮]

好電影的第一要件就是要有好的劇本, 逃出絕命鎮就是今年最好的示範.
The story is out of imagine from beginning, then it is sarcastic. The scene of film is uncomfortable.
If there is any option, LBJ should be best choice.
Hey, you need a real friend from TSA.
[The Ticket / 入場劵]
好劇本加上小品還有The Ticket, 不同逃出絕命鎮一開始就可以看到結局, 但還是會忍不住看完.
I know the ending from beginning of film. However, The Ticket is good and full of humanity. Hey, do not forget to buy a ticket.
[Wonder Woman / 神力女超人]
這幾年的英雄片, 我都會找電影院報到, 因為票房好, 會帶動後續續集拍得更有內容, 神力女超人不用多說, 看姿勢就一百分. 另外我覺得正義聯盟不應該來的那麼快, 觀眾對角色沒感情, 說再多都白說.
Before I watched Wonder Woman, I decide give it 4.5 star and 'Like' it as one of MUST WATCH film in 2017. After watching it, Wonder Woman really deserves 4.5 star.
1. Gal Gadot is hot and sweet. She is best choice to be Diana Prince. Also, she should be a super star after that.
2. The story is from kid Diana, which is very attractive.
3. The story is also about Zeus, which should be something mess up.
4. The scene is about WWII and the color is my favorite.
5. However, the Ares is god, but is weak. I do not see any monster fight in Wonder Woman. It seems the Ares is more weak than Doomsday. If the final fight is excellent, I do not feel hesitated to give it 5 stars.
[Thor: Ragnarok / 雷神索爾3:諸神黃昏]

例如索爾就是一個很好的例子, 很水神一樣無腦, 但是有感情就是不一樣, 諸神黃昏不只打鬥爽度高, 電影音樂更是好, 可不可以給浩克一個獨立電影, 拜託..
Marvel is not my favorite; However, it's always astonished me.
1. Thor, Ragnarok is best one in his series.
2. Catherine Blanchett is amazing again.
3. Music is perfect.
4. Iron man dos not need armor, Spider man does not need suite and Thor doe not need hammer. Hero is hero and they do not need 'Tools' to prove themselves.
5. Please let Hulk have series.
6. This year, there are few funny movies. Thor may be the funniest movie this year. Now, I know the director Taika. He is perfect to be Korg. If you are not director next series, you still can be Korg.
7. Then, Marvel Universe never ends.
[Spider-Man: Homecoming / 蜘蛛人:返校日]

蜘蛛人和鋼鐵人感覺有一點老掉牙, 但是Marvel就是有辦法搞出新意.
1. Robert Downey Jr. is best to be Iron Man.
2. This is best Spider-Man until now.
3. Marvel is best to select Heroes. Tom Holland is very close to Spider-Man nearly.
4. I can not feel Liz exist, before Parker meet Liz's father.
5. Spider-Man: Homecoming is the movie can teach kids how to be a hero.
6. 'You just don't do anything I would do, and definitely don't do anything I wouldn't do. There's a little grey area in there and that's where you operate.' Under great Iron Man, there is nothing you can do.
'Peter Parker: I'm nothing without the suit!
Tony Stark: If you're nothing without the suit, then you shouldn't have it.'
This is best conversation in the movie. Tony, I understand you!!
8. Aunt May becomes old. How come?
[Shot Caller]

人在江湖, 身不由己, 真正的黑道都是這樣來的.
The story is amazing.
From car accidents to jail, it is unbelievable.
From jail to gangster, it is reasonable.
From gangster to family protector, it is emotional.
From family protector to smart planner, it is story.
Anyway, it worthies watching.
Hey, driving is the one thing you need to focus if you are not Dominic Toretto.
[Baby Driver / 玩命再劫]

感覺飛車電影好像快走到盡頭的時候, 玩命再劫好像又打開一條新路線.
The combination of street racing and music is excellent.
Kevin Spacey's voice is easy to recognize. Sometime, he jumps to House of Cards.
Jamie Foxx's dirty word is attractive.
Debora and Darling is hot.
Baby is good at not talk to much. Actually, if he is deaf and mute, it will be more attractive.
It is acceptable to have series and to know what baby will do next.
[Oldboy / 復仇]

2013年我竟然漏到這不錯的影片, 聽說韓版更好.
If you like Scarlet Witch, you should watch Oldboy.
Hey, do not gossip, and you will have happy life. Also, treat your classmates well and you will have no enemy.
[A Taxi Driver / 我只是個計程車司機]

不得不承認韓國人厲害, 他們可以把光州事件拍成如此有故事性, 大的小的都看的懂, 而且有血有淚還有娛樂的性質, 能正視自己國家歷史都是很恐怖的國家, 話說228應該都沒人敢碰吧!
A Taxi Driver is amazing. It is very surprised to understand the history of Korea. The past history is annoying; however, it would be amazing from different view. From the driver's view, we can know the past history easy with interesting.
From this movie, I respect Korea people, because they can face their past by movie without any suspicious.
Moreover, the color of movie is in 1980, that is my favorite.
[Who Killed Cock Robin / 目擊者]
今年國片中目擊者最好看, 因為國片要燒腦很難得, 目擊者有故事性, 整部片的色調也冷的另人發抖.
There are no useless characters in the film.
It is not easy to watch the TW mature movie. It is nice not only story, but also director and actors. The story attracts you to read and think; however, the film is not too hard. It strikes the balance between art and entertainment.
今年的國片好像大家都捧血觀音, 論八點檔路線, 中視自製的川流之島一點都不輸血觀音.
這主題我喜歡, 郭書瑤真的轉一姐了.
這家好亂 但好看.
陸劇我很少可以追的完, 可以能讓我稱讚的也不多, 但射鵰英雄傳真的90%照書拍, 而且書中人物和演員很貼切, 連片頭都向當年的港劇致敬.
[孤單又燦爛的神 鬼怪]
鬼怪的畫面品質真的很優, 根本是電影的製作, 光看畫面就值回票價, 但故事的進展慢的很吐血, 拔一把劍拔了16集.
[紙牌屋 第五季]
紙牌屋第五季越來越肥皂, 完全是赤裸裸的人性, 還是有用不完的梗, 木下很討喜啊! 沒有他要怎麼追?!
[怪奇物語 第二季]
還是追了第二季, 小朋友們演戲怎麼可以這麼好看!
[末日孤艦 第一二季]
末日孤艦一二季很好追, 但第三季就棄追了, 話說艦長常常出去野外作戰在美軍很常見? 我不相信!
[孤獨的美食家 第六季]
孤獨的美食家還是我的最愛, 請連拍50季.
黑色皮革手冊雖然有一點爛尾, 但小妹妹與大野狼們鬥的那種氣勢好看!
[Doctor X 第五季]
Doctor X應該是這幾年內我追的最勤的劇, 今年的醫療劇不少, 但大多追不完, 例如麻醉風暴2非常沉悶, 喜歡的應該都有愛國情節, 又例如Gakki的Code Blue 3, 那故事完全不知道該怎麼追.
請看看Doctor X, 要爆笑有爆笑, 要醫療細節有細節, 要感動一定能讓你眼中含淚, X不能亡!!
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