2012年1月18日 星期三

[筆記] doctors 最強的名醫. The Road to Revolution

無意中發現秋季日劇還有這部doctors, 故事內容是描述一個醫生到一家滿目瘡痍的醫院, 如何改變整間病入膏肓的醫院, 如何救亡圖存, 偶而也耍一些小手段, 真的是很不錯的生活教材. 整理了每一集的心得, 看看不用錢.

1. If you would like to push revolution, you must be a talented people in this field. Ummm.. Only talented people knows it is time to have revolution; thus, you can learn if you are talented people or not.

2. You may need to pull the people in to let them know the way what you do. Especially, you may need to keep the people who can have the same dream with you. Ummm..You may need to know where is this guy.

3. You may need to give up to be a leader in the team work. Actually, you need to create some issues that need to be accomplished with team work. Finally, you may need to proof we are the team and we get the goal because of team work. Ummm..It is so stupid to be a revolutionist.

4. You may need to let them know which is good and need to believe the human nature is good. Ummm.. I believe human nature is bad sometimes.

5. You may need to help the third party people who really can do something for the organization. Moreover, you may need to promote the people who really want to do something very well and hide in the corner. Ummm..How can I see the people hid in the corner?

6. You may need the help from external source to union a team. Ummm..Yes, it's so complicated.

7. You may need to co-work with the people who do not like you deeply and trust them can do it. Ummm..How come?

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