2008年4月24日 星期四

[王建民4W1N] NYT Blog報導

Chien-Ming Wang earned his 50th career victory on Tuesday in Chicago. It was his 85th career start. The last pitcher to win 50 in so few starts was Dwight Gooden, who reached the milestone in his 82nd start back in 1986.


When we spoke with Wang after the game, I asked if he had ever heard of Dwight Gooden. He shook his head and said no. Joba Chamberlain, leaning in from his locker, howled.

顯然王建民不知道Gooden 的全名是Dwight Gooden.

As the interview broke up, we mentioned Gooden again, and someone referred to him as "Doc." Wang's face lit up in recognition. Doc Gooden, now that's name he knew.

broke up: 男女朋友分手叫broke up, 這裡應該是訪談結束的意思

Lit up(Light up): 這個片語很傳神, 有時候翻譯需要中文很好就是很聰明的了解ㄧ件事情吧

其實Gooden有一個封號 Dr. K, Doc表示

"He does know!!" Chamberlain cried to the reporters who had left. "Edit! Edit! You need me to translate?"

Edit! Edit! 感覺ㄧ語雙關啊


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