2019年12月31日 星期二

[電影] 2019年深得我心的電影和值得一追的劇

2019年Letterboxd登記有案的影片觀賞數為222部, 今年忽然發傻的看了很多部老電影, 算是溫故知新.

Avengers: Endgame / 復仇者聯盟:終局之戰

應該會有好一陣子看不到這樣成功的續集作品吧! 終局之戰後過了好幾個月之後想想, 沒有這樣可以等待的續集, 有一點失落.

Doctor Strange : Tony, I mean you just need to get one gem. Why did you do something stupid?

There are some parts you can have tears.
1. I am IRONMAN. Tony, I love you 3000.
2. When CA gets Mjölnir, everyone cheer up in the theater.
3. By Soul Gems, there is love between Hawkeye and Natalia.
4. Natalia's face in headquarter.
5. Tony Stark meets Howard Stark.
6. Anytime in final 8 minutes.
7. Tony stark talks with Pepper Potts in living room.
8. Proof That Tony Stark Has a Heart.
9. Thor meets with his mother.

Nice to see all roles of decades play parts in the movie. Especially time travel, it takes fan back these good memory again.

There are some parts you would be surprised.
1. The short hair of CM is better.
2. Harley Keener shows.
3. Thanos is stronger than you think in 2018.
4. Infinite gloves is not a secret.
5. The theory of Back to the Future is wrong.
6. Doctor Strange knows everything and he can not tell anyone. How hard it is to be time lords.

It seems everything is nearly end in earth part. MARVEL is brave to end this, when MCU comes.

The Vanishing / 守塔人

整片幽暗的英國天氣, 第一次感覺Gerard Butler真的有演技.

Gerard Butler is really different in the film. The color of film is really English. As you known, gold kill everything, only evil can be survival.

Can You Ever Forgive Me? / 她的偽造遊戲

整片的起伏很平, 結果也可以預知, 但是故事說的很順, 可以看的很過癮, 不需要一堆笑話對白, 你也不會睡著, 就可以評價成很厲害的電影, 最可愛女賊.

Plain, but attractive. Lee Israel earn it with her gift. She is annoying person but lovely criminal. Do not get along with wrong friends. Cat is always important. Writer is not a easy job as you known, they would become criminals sometimes.

Shoplifters / 小偷家族

超好的劇本, 是枝裕和鏡頭下的日本, 就是真正的日本.

It is really a good story. The color of film is very sad. All trouble people got together and tried to have nice life. They can thank you for opportunity, but time limited to supply.

Vice / 為副不仁

美國人也算是很會諷刺自己的國家, 不用說Christian Bale是真神人也, 飆演技是吧! 只是Dick Cheney講話有一點蝙蝠俠味道是怎樣?

1. When we looked back history of USA, it is funny with sarcastic.
2. Christian Bale, George W. Bush and and Colin Powell are very good and they are almost likely.
3. I felt there are some parts salute House of Cards.
4. I just can not understand why Dick Cheney talked like Batman.

The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society / 真愛收信中

2018年最好的二戰電影, 雖然沒有殺來殺去的槍戰, 可惜2019年才看到. 雖然我不是那麼接受愛情電影, 但這部真愛收信中真的可以.

1. It would be the best film about WWII in 2018; however, it did not have any gun fight.
2. As you known, there is always good and bad things happened in the war. Love can not be stopped.
3. This is love story and you can enjoy whole about it.
4. Lily James is the one who can act the character. She is lovely and sexy. Her voice is perfect.
5. Hey, it is time to take a look about Guernsey.

Green Book / 幸福綠皮書

都得獎了, 也不用說太多, 好的電影可以影響你的價值觀.

1. Mahershala and Viggo Mortensen are perfect for characters.
2. Mahershala acted something different as before. He is far different from House of Cards.
3. Especially, I almost can not recognize Viggo Mortensen who is Aragorn also.
4. The topic is serious, but talk it with funny and easy. We all enjoy it.
5. Hollywood like to discuss with racial issue, but it seems improve little.

Never Look Away / 無主之作

是2019年最好的二戰電影, 而且還是德國作品, 選角精準, 完美演出!!

1. It is 3 hours film, but it is easy to follow up.
2. It would the best WWII film of 2019.
3. It is about art, but it is lottery number.
4. The sex and nude part is perfect.
5. It is nice to know this film is from Germany instead of USA.
6. The actor and actress are all perfect.

Hey, art is from freedom. Moreover, art is from who you are.

Capernaum / 我想有個家

演戲這東西也是有神蹟, Zain Al Rafeea這小朋友怎麼可以用這樣的年齡演技自然, 令人好奇..

Hey, these kids act perfectly, even baby. You should remember Zain Al Rafeea. I guess they need free condom.

The Professor and the Madman / 牛津解密

好萊塢的老演員們平常不愛演戲, 一演就是會讓你不會忘記他們, 老戲精老戲骨!

Mel Gibson and Sean Penn are old; however, they are really actors. Without them, I do not know how this film can be processed.

Memories of Murder / 殺人回憶

今年開始認真的研究韓國電影, 2003年奉俊昊的殺人回憶可以拿來和David Fincher的Seven比拚.

If there is no David Fincher's Seven, Memories of Murder is really top of film. Anyway, the film is precious because it is from true story. I am curious if murder watched Seven. It is sad the case happened at that time no DNA compared.

Memories of Murder was firmed on 2003. It is the time Korean movie was starting prosperous. From Memories of Murder, we can know the reason why Korean movie is successful right now.

The Aftermath / 情,敵

深為二戰電影控, 這部一定要收.

The Aftermath may the best film of 2019 about World War II. ⊙⊙ps, it seems Lubert gets too much and Lewis gets nothing. It is Keira Knightley's film.

Parasite / 寄生上流

韓國電影很會玩弄各種元素的結合, 寄生上流的劇本無敵.

These things occur in society really. It's sad. You can not change it. The film combines several elements such as rich/poor gap, family, sarcastic, funny, killing, mystery and sex together.

Three Husbands / 三夫

三夫不算是一部好電影, 但如果你想要開眼界, 看看這部吧! 完全不知道要如何評論這部電影和演員, 如果要談論政治, 這部就真的很有梗.

I am not sure what I have seen, but I give it a 'like' of 2019 because of Zeng Meihuizi. However, it seems the film is related to political issue.

Rocketman / 火箭人

Taron Egerton, 厲害的! 另眼相看.

The film tells more about Elton John, especially family. If you do not look at Elton John's face, the music of Elton John is really from heaven. Moreover, Taron Egerton is really someone now.

Léon: The Professional / 終極追殺令

今年複習了一次終極追殺令, 還是好看, 而且現在才知道那小女孩是Natalie Portman.

I really do not know Mathilda is Natalie Portman. Hey, I start to like drinking milk after Léon.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest / 飛越杜鵑窩

今年看了不少老片, 不好意思, 飛越杜鵑窩, 那些年我遺落了..

It is very dangerous if you do something strange in one system. However, we need this kind of person, although we are not crazy.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly / 黃昏三鏢客


Clint Eastwood is excellent, when he was young. Hey, I can not believe the film is from 1966. Comparing with current film, they do not like to speak. Anyway, I feel something strange between scene and scene.

Fight Club / 鬥陣俱樂部

終於有機會看到這部大家口中的神片, 原來小布很早就有演技.

Hey, you need second you to finish some jobs sometimes. There is chemical reaction between Edward Norton/Bradley Pitt and David Fincher.

12 Angry Men / 十二怒漢

1957年的黑白片, 但完全的吸引人, 這部片決定電影的勝負就是劇本和演員.

I am sorry the 12 angry men need to think and fight under no air-condition. It is really amazing the film is from 1957. This is my favorite black-and-white film. Hey, as you known, architecture is persuasive, because they build something and sell expensive.

Joker / 小丑

雖然說小丑是很好演繹的人物, 但是Joaquin Phoenix把小丑演成這樣, 應該會有好長一段時間不會有人演小丑了吧!

1. This is Joaquin Phoenix's Joker. Without him, there is no Joker 2019. Joaquin Phoenix deserves award. His nail can act something.
2. This is a good start point for DC series. Joker is well prepared. Where is Batman?
3. I almost believed Bruce Wayne and Arthur Fleck are brother. Am I crazy?
4. The origin of Joker is really good, which creates a undefeatable monster. I thought there should be origin of Batman next. However, undefeatable The Dark Knight Trilogy exists. It is awkward.
5. After watching movie or opera, it is very dangerous. I remembered Batman and Spider-Man's parents are killed.
6. The insight of mental illness makes Joker alive. Joker' mother did not have insight.
7. Can anybody tell me why Bruce Wayne looks like dummy when he was kid. It's just because he is form rich family?
8. Care about others around you, or Joker would be created. We do not have any Batman.
9. A lot of actors like to act role of Joker. It is still a lot of bad guys. OK?
10. Do not SMILE.

Detention / 返校

對國片標準會稍微低一點, 但返校的視覺真的有刮目相看.

OK! This is almost the TW first movie said something about history. Anyway, Korean do it everyday.
I give first one for 1 more star. Anyway, I am not used to horror film, especially I seat the first line.

The Mystery of Henri Pick / 亨利先生的秘密

法國電影和美國電影頻率就是很不一樣, 只要你稍微改一下頻率, 會發現很多新大陸.

The film is very France.
Few people concern who is real author of book.
Few people concern if pizza maker can write.
Few people concern sales volume of books.
Few people concern typewriter.
Few people concern library that can take unwanted book.
Hey, you would feel topic of book is still interesting in the film.

Official Secrets / 瞞天機密

要多少勇氣才要機會做跟她同樣的事? 英國音超加分就是.

It is serious, and the story attracts me so much. Hey, nice British accent!

The Room / 許怨房

每年都會幾部電影成本很低, 但是故事會讓你嚇一跳那種.

The story is good and beyond imagination. Hey, do you still like big house?

Ready or Not / 弒婚遊戲

結婚前必看的電影之一, 尤其是嫁進豪門這件事.

If you fall in love with rich guy, you should watch this before your marry. Hey, Ready or Not is funny and bloody.

Midway / 決戰中途島

今年的二戰電影全武戲應該就是這一部. 話說日本人為什麼不拍個二戰電影為自己平反一下?

As a fan of WWII, Midway is top on 2019. You do not need sex, kiss and funny. Midway is pure story about war.

US always do something software and JP always do something loyalty. We are eager to watch real history. Why do not JP film a WWII?

Masquerade Hotel / 假面飯店

身為一個旅館控, 這部電影很吸引人, 當然這幾年狂噴演技的長澤雅美也是原因之一.

As a hotel lover, the story of Masquerade Hotel is fantastic. As you known, only Japanese can film the style like this. They tell a story slowly and detailed.

Hey, Nagasawa Masami's legs are still marvelous.

Ford v Ferrari / 賽道狂人

一部可以把文戲和武戲都拍的剛剛好的片, Christian Bale英式口音算是賣點吧!

1. You can watch business fight and race fight at the same time.
2. Christian Bale's accent is excellent and he can change at any time. After Batman, he is alive and attractive more.
3. The family of Kenneth Miles plays an important roles.
4. Matt Damon is still alive after Mars travel.
5. Although Ford wins the game, I still like Ferrari more. Does any something wrong?
6. If you do not know the meaning of FRIENDS of business, this is the film you should watch.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker / 星際大戰九部曲:天行者的崛起

今年不少續集試圖要完結篇, 星際大戰最終回終於也來了! John Williams的音樂一響起, 讓人渾身是勁啊!

I am your father; then, I am your grandpa.

Again, this is another movie ends on 2019. I known there are all their 'family' things; however, it is still attractive. It is really long and complex story and told it when I was a kid. Then, I am happy my boy like it also.

John Williams is really a key point in these series. After several years, his music is touched like before.

Bye bye, then.

證人 / Innocent Witness

今年很吸眼的韓國電影就給證人, 韓國電影寫劇本的能力很強, 各種元素的結合可以讓你深信不已, 連毒氣和徒手攀爬都可以放在一起, 證人這樣的劇情也不用太意外了, 這片金香起的演技太強.

You can see best actors and best story. The film want to tell you what is right, but not cliché.


House of Cards / 紙牌屋 (第六季)

還好不會有S7, 算是有始有終的追完.

紙房子 S1/S2/S3

S1/S2 很好追, 但預測故事會每況愈下, 梗已經被玩的差不多了.

Black Mirror / 黑鏡 S5

看起來不怎樣, 但第一季追完, 純粹看超能力.

恐怖情人, 第二季應該還可以追一下.


動畫風格集集迥異, 短小精幹, 每集講述不同的事, 短影片卻令人感動, 推薦你第14集茲瑪藍, 今年最推的影集.

Street Food / 世界小吃

怪奇物語 第三季

復古元素大膽玩, 這些小朋友長大的速度真是恐怖, 整個暑假就在怪奇物語中度過.

Chernobyl / 核爆家園

HBO miniseries是來打擊共產主義的吧! 不過好看是真的.


The Naked Director / AV帝王

如果你期望看到多了不起的 AV, 這裡沒有, 但是商場的競爭和存活, 很有點喔~

孤獨的美食家 S8
就這樣邊吃飯邊追他, 也八季了, 這是五郎邪教.

Doctor-X 外科醫大門未知子 S6
另外一個邪教是大門, 第六季了, 五郎和大門不能亡.

Grand Maison東京
木村的新戲, 今年總算有一點看頭, 新戲和米其林有關, 劇本和角色選角都很好.



社會議題反省, 選角精準, 紅花至賈靜雯, 綠葉至宏都拉斯, 都在正確的軌道上, 豆辦上的反應, 也算是文化上的逆襲, 公視加油, 全看你了..

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