2021年1月1日 星期五

[電影] 2020年深得我心的電影和值得一追的劇

2020年實在是很猛的一年, 怎麼有可能進電影院的次數可以少成這樣, 因為新電影少所以電影院開始播放舊片, 其實與其這樣不如放一些比較冷門的電影.

因為新電影變少, 所以今年持續回看一些老片, 追劇變的比較多, Letterboxd上的2020影片數量為181片, 想一想也算誇張, 平均每兩天就看一部電影, 這還不算追劇在內, 真的是時間花在哪裡? 成就就在那裡啊! 


[The Two Popes / 教宗的承繼]

這部片突破以往我們對教宗這個人物生冷高聳的看法, 老演員的精采對戲和火花, 緩慢但有節奏.

看完, 想想為什麼還不去梵蒂岡?

Old actors are still key point in the film industry. There are some funny points that I can not stop laughing.

It is time to visit Vaticanae.

[American Factory / 美國工廠]


本來對紀錄片興趣缺缺, 這部片把文化差異下的衝突拍的很寫實.

The World is not Flat, because there is culture different.

[Swing Kids / 搖擺男孩

玩不同領域的結合, 想要知道韓國電影這幾年有多強, 可以看看這一部, 每一項電影必要元素都很到位. 

The Korean movie can combine different components together excellent. The music and scene are also special and excellent. Moreover, I can not believe this is true story.

[Just Mercy / 不完美的正義]

黑豹走了之後, 誰會是Denzel Washington的接班人, Michael B. Jordan很有可能是個咖. 

Michael B. Jordan is a star and he could be Denzel Washington near future.

However, the final turning part is 180 degree, which does not explain clearly.

[Fracture / 破綻]

2007年的老電影, 好電影不小心當年錯過了, 但是永遠不嫌晚, 這部片法律人和檢察官應該是必看影片.


Anthony Hopkins is mysterious smart, but he is getting older.

Ryan Gosling is mysterious handsome, but he is not so hit.

Rosamund Pike is mysterious hot, but she is no 'but'.

[Primal Fear / 驚悚]

還是一部老電影, 覺的是Edward Norton演變態怪人的顛峰之作, 他連聲音都很尖銳詭異的怪, 聽了會毛骨悚然.

Edward Norton is really amazing, which I can not believe Primal Fear is his first film. He is the one who can act psycho. You can know it from this film.

[The Last Emperor / 末代皇帝

還記得當年這部片是用錄影帶看的, 今年電影院重播立馬跑去重看, 導演Bernardo Bertolucci是個義大利人, 整部片就是在紫禁城裡拍, 屌打現在的宮廷劇, 這部片在電影史裡有一定的地位.

還有音樂太好, 黑膠一定要收.

We never watched the film in the movie theater. Because of COVID-19, there are many past movies presented. There are something amazing about The Last Emperor.

1. Bernardo Bertolucci is Italians and I can not believe why he understand this so detailed.

2. The actor and actress are all professional, which seems they all experienced. Anyway, they were hot or nobody after the film.

3. The film is very very close to history.

4. I can not forget the music of film.

5. As you knew, no body can have film in Forbidden City now, so The Last Emperor is the one.

[Flashdance / 閃舞]

有些電影很厲害, 像是Flashdance, 貌似有印象, 但是記憶裡完全搜不出故事情節, 買了二手黑膠原聲帶後, 還是覺的音樂非常熟悉, 這片應該可以算是舞蹈電影的始祖.

The music of Flashdance is excellent. The film takes me back to the time of '80 in America, which is memorable.

Also, the eyes of Jennifer Beals are stars.

However, the story is a little cliché from the view of now.

[Back to the Future / 回到未來]

感謝Neflix高解析上架回到未來123集, 這是我心目中永遠的神作, 前無古人後無來者, 就算被復聯4當笑話還是無損回到未來的地位.

電影原聲黑膠, 今年入手1和3, 第二集在二手市場非常冷門.

There is no 1 sec waste in Back to the Future. Thanks to Netflix. You can not film good movie, but you buy good one.

[Moneyball / 魔球]

有幾個星期瘋狂研究Bradley Pitt, 雖然他這幾年已顯老態, 但是再過幾年他應該就可以轉型出演完全的老頭子.

This is Bradley Pitt weekend.

I want my money back is best best movie song in 2011.

[Se7en / 火線追緝令]

Bradley Pitt最成功的作品, 看了很多老電影後, 忽然覺的那個年代的電影怎麼會慢的如此有味道? 而且留了很多白可以細細品味.

Se7en is still there after several years.

You can see real handsome of Bradley Pitt.

You can see real tone of Morgan Freeman.

You can see real sick of Kevin Spacey.

Se7en is real something.

[Greyhound / 怒海戰艦]

身為Tom Hanks的忠實粉絲, 又是二戰電影控, 說不好看的一定是看不懂! 

Tom Hanks can act everything.

The story of Greyhound is too thin and end so quickly. However, I am the fan of WWII.

WWII films is never ending, because there would be no WWIII.

[Inception / 全面啟動]

再看一次Inception原因無它, 除了迎接諾蘭的新片外, 就是為了看最後那幾秒Leonardo DiCaprio的表情, 我還是不相信happy ending這種說法.

It is still excellent after 10 years.

Anyway, I still can not believe the film is happy ending from Leonardo DiCaprio's face.

[Summit: Steel Rain / 鋼鐵雨:深潛行動]

韓國的商業片很會吃市場, 這片是完全跟著市場取向而來, 故事很肥皂, 狗血灑滿, 所有無腦梗盡出, 電影很簡單, 好看就可以.

The movie tells a good story and keep you believe the issue would be occurred. Moreover, it just costs 4 billion TW dollars that is very impressive.

[The Peanut Butter Falcon / 花生醬獵鷹的願望]

真心推薦你這部片, 神奇的演員 - Zack Gottsagen.

Hey, you should know Zack Gottsagen.

[Escape From Pretoria / 逃離比勒陀利亞]

Daniel Radcliffe從哈利波特之後, 沒有一部電影覺的他有存在, 正要說他只能在哈利裡面出不來了, Escape From Pretoria真的嚇掉我的眼鏡, 雖然越獄這種電影很老掉牙, 但這片好看的靈魂就是Daniel Radcliffe.

Prison break is always a good topic.

Daniel Radcliffe did something impressive this time after Harry Potter.

[Tenet / 天能]

諾蘭又講時間, 但不求時間穿梭的機器, 直接給你倒帶, 算是2020最值得進戲院看的電影, 話說時間梗應該快用完了, 諾蘭你怎麼辦? 

Tenet is creative for the time travel and it do not focus on machine. It just presents as rewind.

Hey, I can understand it totally after checking the info from web.

Although you can not understand it, you still can enjoy it.

[Swallow / 吞噬]

每年都會有一些神經病怪片特別好看, Swallow就是其中一部.

Hey, Haley Bennett is someone we should remember.

Do not merry to rich man and live in big house, especially you do not prepare well.

[Subway / 地下鐵]

在二手電影原聲的黑膠市場常常看到, Luc Besson是正鬼才無誤, 1985年就可以拍出這樣橫空出世的電影.

The music is excellent.

The scene of Luc Besson was outstanding and special at that time.

Isabelle Adjani is HOT.

[Born on the Fourth of July / 七月四日誕生]


This is the true of war.

When Tom Cruise was young, you can tell he born to act.

[Wall Street / 華爾街


When the time did not have Marvel, these classic films are really something.

[The Eight Hundred / 八佰]

這種題材的電影應該都是中影的本業, 結果不是, 被拍走了, 大場面拍的不錯, 缺點就是人物刻劃少了些. 

I just can not believe why China can film the topic like this. It should be the job from others.

There is only one shortage, please have more description for each person.

[Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith / 星際大戰三部曲:西斯大帝的復仇]

今年年尾計畫把Star Wars從頭到尾按故事順序完整跑完一次, 第三集符合預期的好看. 

Star Wars: Episode III is as expectation.

Anakin Skywalker, precognition is not perfect that you can change it.


有時候看集數覺的韓劇有夠長, 愛的迫降有16集, 但像切豆腐一樣一路切過去, 不小心就全部追完了, 愛的迫降不只劇好音樂也好, 笑點也夠.

[屍戰朝鮮 S1 S2]

追完愛的迫降有一點空虛, 又連追了屍戰朝鮮兩季.


日劇的優勢集數少, 故事簡短有力, 但是這幾年看日劇的次數少了, 可能和日劇通常帶有微言大義和太多社會現象有關, 對日劇疲態中.


路應該算是半日劇半台劇, 剛好有看過吉田修一的路, 果然書寫的比較好, 可惜就是選角沒有很好.

今年其實也追了幾個短台劇, 但級別都中等, 沒有特別出色的.

[紙房子 S4]

紙房子的編劇真的超強, 見好不收還死命的寫, 把前幾集死掉的人又挖出來演, 好看是真的.

[Space Force / 太空部隊]

太空部隊的好笑算是今年之最, 無腦的好笑, 極盡諷刺之能事.

[Into the Night / 絕夜逢生]


[Dark / 闇]

為什麼時空梗快用完了? 看完闇就知道, 把平行時空玩成這樣, 非常燒腦又完全沒笑點的電視劇, 我通常都是邊看邊睡, 然後重覆再看, 德國作品, 完全是我心目中德國人拍出來的神劇.

[原始生活21天 第四季]

非常無言的真人秀, 不穿衣服和叢林, 還算滿有看點的.

[追殺夏娃 S1 S2 S3]

今年最好看的劇我會給BBS First的追殺夏娃, 幾乎是用光速追完三個季, Jodie Comer是神經殺手,連她老媽都可以幹掉燒毀那種, 上一秒笑的像無辜小女孩, 下一秒殺人殺的血噴的滿臉, 整齣戲就看她浮誇又美的窒息的服裝, 配合著整個歐洲的美景, 神遊其中, 不能出國的今年, 這部戲非常投緣.

另外, 這部戲的幾個元素帶出來的故事難以預測, 女女同這種愛情很難理解之外, 還有你本來以為這個角色還可以演個幾集, 結果下一秒就忽然領便當, 完全不拖戲的節奏.

某些英式幽默也是戲裡的重點, 不過我要推薦的是這戲裡的某些角落元素非常引人入勝, 只能說場勘和道具的準備人員非常認真, 例如第三季Carolyn的家, 實木構造又微微的簡約風, 網路上可以找出拍攝地點, 又例如Carolyn的坐駕Mercedes Benz 250 AE Automatic, 從內裝的外表都美的一輛車, 有符合到情報頭子的身分.

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