2016年12月31日 星期六

[電影] 2016年深得我心的38部電影、英美劇、日劇

2016年一整年很詳實的用LETTERBOXD紀錄看過的影片, 以免看過又忘了, 又重新看一遍這樣的鳥事, 以下就是2016年深得我心的38部電影、英美劇、日劇, 這些都是觀影守備範圍, 電影在LETTERBOXD登記有案的有207部(有幾部影片, LBD資料庫上沒有資料), 所以應該這樣說, 如果我不是在睡覺, 那就是在看影片, 要不然就是準備看影片的路上或正在寫影評.

P.S 英文影評的部分是寫在LETTERBOXD上的影片評論, 這不是炫技, 純粹只是寫英文比較直覺罷了..

[The Danish Girl / 丹麥女孩]

Tom Hooper鏡頭下的歐洲讓眼睛都很難眨一下, 欣賞他的影片很享受.

去年Eddie Redmayne的愛的萬物論是2015年年度必收藏的好片, 今年丹麥女孩更是瞠目結舌, Eddie真得很能演, 非常能演特別的人物.

1. Now, I truly know Tom Hooper whose Europe is amazing and beautiful. The view of The Danish Girl is astonish.

2. At the initial story, I felt Eddie Redmayne and Alicia Amanda Vikander act too much, which seems they act in Opera. Then, I know they have special character. If you do not act like this, they would not touch you.

3. Eddie Redmayne's The Theory of Everything is one of my favorite film in 2015. The Danish Girl is one my favorite film in 2016. Eddie Redmayne is amazing actor who act something impossible. He is really went into the character and I am curious if he can go back after film. Hey, he should win Oscar if Leonardo got it early before.

[Room / 不存在的房間]

今年有好幾個小捧友好令人意外, 想說老外的小孩怎麼年紀這麼小就有演戲的天分, Room的Jacob Tremblay演技精湛, 雖然Room的劇情在意料之中, 但是完全拍出缺氧的窒息感覺.

Please Oscar award Jacob Tremblay who is really amazing. There are 2 parts in the movie. The part 1 is very blue and hope them can escape successfully. The part 2 is not easy that we can see how they survival after escaping. Hey, it is a good story and good performance.

[Fathers and Daughter / 幸福再敲門]

還有一個小正妹就是和Russell Crowe演對手戲的Kylie Rogers, Fathers and Daughter很小品, 但很催感情, 尤其是老歌Close To You一下, 催感情滿百.

Russell Crowe is really amazing. The story is touched. The life of young influences on the life of love. Recently, I was attractive the movie by the scene switch between now and past. Hey, to be a writer with money is not easy.

[Hunt for the Wilderpeople]

再來一個小戲精Julian Dennison, Hunt for the Wilderpeople有著濃濃的黑色幽默, 緩慢的劇情搭配紐西蘭的美, 非常享受的觀影過程!

The beauty of New Zealand deserves 4.5 star. The story is complete and full of surprised and funny, which seems the same journey we have from begin to end of movie. Julian Dennison is the guy we need to know and he acts really excellent. Hey, I like this kind of happy ending and enjoy it.

[In the Heart of the Sea / 白鯨傳奇:怒海之心]

Ron Howard的大海大浪原來是長這個樣子, Chris Hemsworth終於擺脫索爾, 走出一條不英雄的路還有不鐵鎚的臉, 話說拍完英雄電影, 雖然知名度大增但戲路也相對縮小.

I like the specific view of movie in the sea. Ron Howard is really good for it. Chris Hemsworth is also good and I almost forget he is Thor, who is best super heroes to convert themselves to other characters. Robert Downey Jr. should act harder. Hey, I am not sure if it is immoral to eat dead body, but they should try to eat fish (sashimi) first.

[Spotlight / 驚爆焦點]

看完這部片, 感覺記者魂可以回歸, 熱血沸騰, 辦公室之間的的同事情好強大, 另外很加值的是可以看到老蝙蝠俠和浩克對戲.

I must say the movie is really enjoyable, although the topic is so unhappy. When you see Batman and Hulk work together, it is really amazing. I can not believe the whole actors are so good and all stars. Especially, the atmosphere in the office is excellent, because the their target is same and full of passion, which I envy very much. Frankly, I hop I am a journalist after the movie.

[Captain America: Civil War / 美國隊長3:英雄內戰]

一般來說, 每年的好片通常都不會有英雄電影, 在電影院看完應該有的視覺效果, 然後回想整理一下劇情, 爽得快去得也快.

但是Captain America: Civil War夠經典, 除了歡樂搞笑, 竟然開始讓我可以多想兩下這誰對誰錯的劇情, Marvel在影史上成功了! 對新的英雄電影開始有期待, 這麼多英雄到底要怎麼出場? 還有這新一代的明星演員, 誰敢不拍英雄電影?!

1. The war of super heroes in airport is best and full of funny.
2. Scarlett is amazing, especially in fighting. I can not blink when she came.
3. There should be affairs between Steve Rogers and Bucky.
4. I start to like Tony from Civil War and I can see his internal from his wrinkle of face.
5. Iron man should forgive Bucky, because you had been in hypnosis by Wanda before. Heroes are all afraid of hypnosis. Who knows?
6. I believe Ant-man is really a hero. I like to know who can win if he fight with Hulk.
7. You got the best suitable actor to be T'Challa.
8. I am on the side of Iron man, because the heroes were out of control from past Avengers 1 and 2. It is more reasonable from these series.
9. Sharon and May Parker is hot by the way.
10. After B v S, I found Marvel is on different stage and more close to the reality. You can get the entertainment and thinkable story at the same time.

[Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice / 蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光]

Christian Bale之後, 擔心沒有人可以演蝙蝠俠, 還好Ben Affleck有繼承到蝙蝠俠的精髓, 對比Marvel的歡樂, B vs S相對沉重且缺乏娛樂性, 也許這也是區隔的方法, 不過還好B vs S有Gal Gadot, 神力女超人萬歲!!

After Christian Bale, I am worried there is nobody can act well Batman. Ben Affleck really acts something different that is I expected. B vs S is a deep movie and you need to focus on story and think about story with mind, which discussed human and god, right and fault. The scene of movie is impressive, especially some closeups is very attractive. In the process of 2 hours more movie, I only laugh 2 twice that is different with Marvel. The heroes of Marvel seems too funny.

I must mention Wonder Woman, who is really amazing. When she arrives, Batman and Superman seems too chicken. Gisele is hard to forget. Gal Gadot! Gal Gadot! Gal Gadot! Hay, it's time to have film for Wonder Woman.

[The Accountant / 會計師]

Ben Affleck演蝙蝠俠, 反正就帶著面具, 只能說他不小心沾了蝙蝠俠的光, 但他在The Accountant裡的演技不得不給他A+, 從這部片開始不得不承認他真的會演, The Accountant是劇本非常好, 演員也非常好的一部片, 而且可以衍伸出英雄電影啊!

Actually, I did not have good image for Ben Affleck, because the thing with Jennifer Lopez long long time ago, although he had good film as Argo. Moreover, as the fan with Batman, I do not think he is good enough to act Batman. However, from The Accountant I start to believe Ben Affleck can act excellent. The story of The Accountant is very good and you need puzzle it. Hey, it seems the series movie after that can be another hero movie.

[The Lobster / 單身動物園]

今年最好的愛情電影 - The Lobster, 雖然一開始很難判斷是不是愛情電影, 如果不看劇透, 劇情100%猜不中, 在沉悶的劇情中一路猜, 多想兩下最後才豁然開朗.

Most of movie, I can guess the story, but this one I can not. I like the movie, but I can not give it high rating because it does not say something very clearly and you need your mind to think. Also, this is not Hollywood style movie and steps are slow. You must keep your mind always wake.

The story is actually simple that try to tell something about rule of society. The something you can not break and trap you always no matter you are couple or single. This is really sarcastic.

Hey, this is best love story I read this year.

[Eye in the Sky / 天眼行動]

911之後, 戰爭電影實在有一點麻痺了, 但是Eye in the Sky的無人機題材有拍出真實感和刺激感, 看完手上有緊張的汗水.

From the movie, the decision is not easy, especially the background of people is different. Frankly, it is funny in the process of asking permission of others.
However, it is so sad in final scene. It is first time I hope all breads I can buy. And do not sell something near the terrorist's house.
Hey, please cease the war and peace, please.

[Grimsby / 特務大臨演]

今年噁爛又好笑的電影不多, 2016最好笑的電影就給Grimsby吧! 很高興Fat Amy還沒瘦, 千萬別瘦.

This is most dirty and funny movie on 2016 so far. This is first time I feel elephant is not saint. Also, I am so happy fat Amy still keeps fat. Does nobody feel Sacha Baron Cohen is British version of Adam Sandler?

[Almanya: Welcome to Germany]

看完Almanya更加深一定要去土耳其一遊的計畫, Almanya有著不太亮的幽默, 甚至有一點黑黑的, 一部讓人有所思的好影片.

The color and tempo of movie is Europe style, which is very attractive. Also, this is best movie for immigrations. The specific point is sarcastic and realistic. After movie, I believe Turkey is the place must be visited.

[The Little Prince / 小王子]

今年才看到這部動畫, The Little Prince長久以來就是一種哲學一種思想, 而且有志之士都應該要了解.

The Little prince is not only movie or book, but also a kind of philosophy. When we grow up, something lost in the process of grow up. In the business time, how can you be a little prince and you still can be survival? It is a good lesson to be a little prince and you still can grow up to meet the requirement of society.

Hay, it maybe easy to be a little princess.
Just sing 'Let it go..'

[Finding Dory / 海底總動員2]

電影一開始的默片Piper好有力量, 動畫其實不需要太多言語, Pixar的動畫往往想教你些什麼, 而且也真得可以達到教化目的, Finding Dory是今年親子共賞的最佳好片.

The Hollywood movie may not the best, but Pixar animation should be the best without any wonder. For the kid, you can see the funny and imagination. For the adult, you also can see the funny and spirit of life which can really teach you something.

I remembered the conversation between Hank and Dory in truck.

Dory said : I never had a plan. Did I plan to lose my parents? Did I plan to find Marlin? Did you and I plan to meet? And that's because the best things happened by chance.Because that's life.

There is no hard words, but it is touched with full wisdom.
Hey, I think the best part is Piper. There is no word, but full of funny and story. I would not miss any animation that Pixar produces.

[Zootopia / 動物方城市]

Zootopia的flash這個笑點實在太令人崩潰, 雖然以動物為世界, 其實就是真實的社會人生, 動畫的梗真的用不完.

The movie is creative. Although it is animal society, it reflects to real human society. Moreover, it discusses serious topic about discrimination, but I do not feel asleep. Hey, I like the parts of 'flash' guy who is so funny.

[Manhattan Night / 曼哈頓夜曲]

今年的正妹好片要給Manhattan Night的Yvonne Strahovski, 不太熟的生演員, 但是她得臉蛋搭配美麗的紐約就是貼切.

Yvonne Strahovski is the actress I need to know. She acts excellent and hot. You can see performance from her eye.

I also got some points from movie.
1. Do not marry to director, who have too much creative. Their life is part of movie. Most of time, they are crazy.
2. Do not marry to someone, who you meet in coffee shop and you just consider the thing about 1 hour.
3. Try to say your secret to someone under the circumstance of no camera. Free it!!

BYW, the music of movie is also good and New York is beautiful as always.

[Sully / 薩利機長:哈德遜奇蹟]

Sully的劇情簡單, 主角一位, 標的就是第一線人員面臨的問題和機械事務中人為的因子, Sully是今年剪輯最好的電影, 把過去和現在交接的非常清楚, 透過鏡頭就順暢的了解故事.

Tom Hanks is super star and you never found he acts. Sully is kind of documentary film and you can not feel it, because there is a perfect story teller. The story teller does not describe a event from beginning and does not say hero just a hero. The hero is from strictly discussion, which is really a suffer.

You can know the media from movie. They like to have hero and judgment. The news is entertainment in their eyes.

You can also know something about fly simulation. As the first-line worker, you will do something without any simulation, only experience. This is valuable.

[Don’t Breathe / 暫時停止呼吸]

Don’t Breathe是一部小資本製作的電影, 沒有大咖演員, 沒有漂亮場景, 連故事細節都錯誤百出, 但好看的電影因素只有一個, 就是好看沒有原因, 這是一堂課, 千萬不要因為藉口沒有錢而拍不出好電影, 所以一直拍校園電影.

1. Do not rob someone who you do not understand.
2. Do not rob someone who is veteran, although he is blind.
3. Do not rob someone whose only partner is brave DOG.
4. Do not rob someone with stupid partners.
5. Do not rob someone just because of love with partners.

Although there are so many stupid and unreasonable details, I still give it 'Like', because this is low cost and high box office movie. Do not tell me you do not have money, so you can not have good film.

BTW, hey! ice the sperm and heat with oven is really unbelievable. If you can do it it at home, there should not have any bank for sperm.

[Captain Fantastic / 神奇隊長]

很少看到老外認真的談教育, 體制外和體制內, 怎麼權衡? 這電影結局下得很快, 有一點失落, 為結局而結局, 但影片的很多點很諷刺, 刺到忍不住發笑.

As the parents, this is the film needs to watch. Finally, it strikes the balance between school and self-teaching. I like the good ending.

[Operation Chromite / 鐵鉻行動:仁川登陸戰]

身為一位二戰控, 今年的二戰電影少的飢荒, 只好韓國Operation Chromite很突出, 請問貴國怎麼可以拍出如此像樣的電影作品?!

WWII film is my favorite; however, it is very few this year. I can not believe SK try to have film like this. Although there are too many one side bias and local considerations, it still a good film to describe the agents in the war and sacrifice themselves. If it can have more descriptions about D Day like Saving Private Ryan, it will be very attractive.

[Hacksaw Ridge / 鋼鐵英雄]

因為今年二戰電影少, 所以Hacksaw Ridge很夠看, 其中一些入伍時的笑點在整部片中超亮, 如果再多一些二戰歷史, 戰場上再多一些細節, 就完美了! Mel Gibson我在說你.

Although this is movie about war, the scene of love is very attractive. The funny thing is very funny. Teresa Palmer is lovely. The sex is too short and nothing.

Everything is good and I can not believe Mel Gibson can direct it so well. As the fan of WWII, I do give it 'like', because this kind of film is few
on year 2016. However, I prefer something more strategy and real bloody. Recently, the film about war is too highlight anti-war. It is better to pull back to to focus the history and story in detailed. Comparing with Saving Private Ryan, it still a gap.


這幾年內最好看得武打片, 看太多黃飛鴻和葉問, 都以為武打不就是這樣, 就是場表演而已, 師父中演出寫實的一面, 往往在幾招間就分出勝負, 而且招招致命. 另外, 武林中牢不可破的規矩在師父裡變得很有深度.


今年好幾部香港電影看得很心酸, 尤其陀地驅魔人和踏血尋梅雖然很寫實, 但是太香港, 太刀刀見骨, 王家欣的故事很有趣, 清新純情小品, 吳千語很值得認識.

Firstly, Karena Ng is hot.
After several blue HK movie, this love story is amazing and attractive. I can not believe this is real story, but believe love at first sight. Where is Peng Chau? It should be a good place. Hey, you can find anyone with Internet now. Do not worry about love at first sight, you can find the one easily.


香港的間諜電影爆多, 也最愛拍警匪之間的關係, 臥底電影也是一拍再拍, 可怕的是永遠看不膩, 使徒行者內臥底都快比壞人多, 張家輝是近幾年香港電影圈裡最會演的完全無誤.

HK is really good at undercover. Although there are lot of related movies, I still 'like' Line Walker. I am just curious how many undercover inside? It seems undercover are more than bad guys. Nick Cheung is best actor in HK these years without any doubt.


[House of Cards S4]

紙牌屋第四季比第三季好多了! 那槍響刺殺很意外, 看到這一季發現紙牌屋根本是勵志片, FU您千萬不要倒下啊! 每一次FU在叫Doug時, 都感覺是在叫Dog. 現在覺的老美一直都在預言川普會當選總統, 不是嗎?

這季名言We don't submit to terror, we make the terror. 共勉之~

[Daredevil S2]

不得不承認是為了看Karen Page而追完第二季, 這一季最吸眼的就是Karen幫律師繫領帶, 太迷人了吧! 美劇很少這樣細膩的鏡頭.

[Chef's Table S1]

舌尖上的中國的老外米其林版本, 畫面極美, 是下飯的好影集.

[Stranger Things / 怪奇物語]

整個影集都是七零年代的顏色和氛圍, 還沒看故事就贏一半了, 這些童星到底都是哪來的?!

[Black Mirror S3]

這四部都是Netflix的影集, 可見Netflix擴張的速度有多恐怖, Black Mirror也被Netflix買了, BM的第一季令人印象深刻, 第三季比較著重科技過頭後的影響, 第一集就很深刻的描寫萬一FB統一佔領世界後會發生的事情, 諷刺的刺激啊!

[Inside No. 9 / 9號秘事]

Inside No. 9有一點像Black Mirror, 是三十分鐘影集的伊索寓言, 小故事但是大省思, 倒底是哪些編劇想出這些微小但是威力很大的故事的?!

[The Night Manager/夜班經理]

今年最好的美劇影集要給The Night Manager, Tom Hiddleston完全跳脫索爾弟的包袱, Tom Hiddleston的伊頓公學口音一開口就很有渲染力, 而Elizabeth Debicki應該也是這幾年最顯眼的美冷型女星.


飛快追完Shameless一季, 雖然沒有繼續第二季, 但是貧窮匪類的超廢故事永遠都有吸引力, 誇張的趣味性影集.

[Doctor Who S9]

和漢克斯追完第九季, DW系列就是屬於後勁很強的那種影集, 小十一之後, 終於慢慢可以接受十二爺了, 但是我就搞不懂我們家的小朋友怎麼會對時空有興趣.



來自山崎豐子, 怎麼可以不追, 描寫典型的日本人, 職場的抉擇, 到底恩地和行天, 哪一類型才能生存? 不沉的太陽其實追得辛苦, 這辛苦一直到最後一集, 只是要看到有沒有報應這樣而已, 恩地真的是人嗎? 也觀察到一個怪現象, 片中猛猛的抽菸好多幕, 很置入行銷.


神作逃避可恥但是很有用是年終最美好的一部, 應該也是東京愛情故事後, 女追男愛情公式下劃時代的新作, 其實劇名應該是完美嬌妻或是地球上最幸運的工程師吧!

看劇過程很欲罷不能, 編劇很狂, 每集的高潮迭起都吸引你努力的追下一集, 日劇常常有的療癒效果也大爆發, 只有十一集很不夠啊! 這樣的劇需要六十集啊!

一路上看著新垣結衣從東大特訓班到逃恥, 原來氣質和演技都是可以養成的, 那時的古美門太能演, 總覺的她有一點犧牲很大太配角, 逃恥終於解開演技封印, 劇中很多時候都靠新垣結衣那雙電眼和萌到爆炸的表情在觸發感動, 幾乎每集都一直出現她臉部大特寫, 好猛的女優.

劇尾的正在爆紅中, 非常吸睛, youtube上很多跟跳, 但都沒有新垣結衣跳的萌, 跳的隨興, 跳的不用力, 跳的自然, 原來真的有人是無法取代的!

漢克斯送我的聖誕禮物, 真是知父莫若子啊!! 以後你如果追星, 開放請款, 在這裡畫押.


2016-12-23 20.28.49
[Doctor X S4]

Doctor X一直看到第四季, 赫然發現明星們也是會老啊! 米倉涼子的臉上漸漸浮現老樣, 不再碰皮, 真是為她擔心, Doctor X硬是比其他醫學日劇好看, 原因無它, 就是X的霸氣, 一整個暢快, 我說醫龍你也會輸X的.

[Chef 三星級營養午餐]

米倉涼子會老, 天海祐希也會老, 當年OL的代名詞天海祐希, 現在已經是老媽等級了, 三星級營養午餐最大的看點就是星野光子家裡的那座廚房/香料櫃/香料植物, 如果這凡間真的有天堂, 那廚房就是天堂吧!

以上三部日劇都是以女性為出發點的日劇, 而且這三個女性都相當認真的化腐朽為神奇, 真的印證認真的女人最美這樣的事.

[劣片分隔線] 今年的劣片也不少, 用LETTERBOXD統計大約有30%被我列為三顆星以下的劣片, 那就隨便舉兩部.

[臥虎藏龍 2]

Netflix雖然很旺, 但也有爛片, 影集之外的電影都挺廢的, 這臥虎藏龍2完全進不了劇情中, 難道是太多老外穿古裝的水土不服?

[Cell / 科技浩劫]

今年的爛片如以往的很多, 但是Cell因為有John Cusack和Samuel L. Jackson, 所以雀屏中選今年的爛片中的爛片, 因為很多人會誤入歧途去看他們倆的組合, 但這是一部完全不知所云的一部影片, 象徵末日電影的終結吧!

This movie is unacceptable, because there are John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson. How can they act this movie? Did they read the script of movie? I still do not know who is the 'red jacket' guy? Why do zombie can control by phone? Hey, I know the movie just try to persuade users to reduce the time to use phone. You got it!

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