2008年8月11日 星期一

[對話] sarcastic conversation

Mary: RD Manager
Peter: Project Manager
Brian: ODM Customer

Brian: I would like to check the schedule of project A.
Peter: We can not ship the software to you on time.
Brian: Could you explain it in detail?
Peter: hau..ann..We met the serious issue that we can not fix it right now and we also need the support from Microsoft.
Brian: OK. Please get support from Microsoft and fix it on time.
Peter: Actually, it requires additional expense for the request from Microsoft.
Brian: Could you cover the additional expense by yourself.
Peter: We do not have budget for this one right now.
Brian: When can you have budget for this product?
Peter: Perhaps next year.
Brian: (cough!) We can not wait to next year. You should ship it on time. Have you remember you already signed the contract.
Peter: We can pay for the penalty.
Brian: (cough!) You have budget to pay the penalty, but no budget to pay Microsoft.
Peter: …………………
Brian: Would you mind to tell us the issue in general.
Mary: We met the issue we can not plugin filter driver to kernel driver and also can not pass WHQL. Moreover, we already verified the issue in other platforms and get excellent result. It seems the issue may result from Microsoft or other conflict software.
Brian: What is it? Could you explain it more clearly?
Mary: OK! Actually, We need more times to implement it.

前幾天上英語課的時候, 上課前十分鐘才想到要寫作業, 很快的擬了一個類似conference call的內容, 事後想想很有趣, 簡單的內容描述了大家都不願意面的的事實..
PM和客戶之間的卑躬屈膝, 連基本的邏輯都不見了…可是當客戶和RD之間, 又暴露出客戶根本就不懂他想要的東西, 連root cause都不清楚….PM和RD又有很深的GAP, 這三個角根本就扣不起來
當然我們有禮的加拿大籍老師, 改了很多我粗俗的語句, ㄧ直苦笑……..

2 意見:

Lily Huang 提到...


老大 你覺得一個PM如果就是RD的話 整個架構是否就會比較穩定呢? 或是RD永遠不可能瞭解客戶的心呢? 或是RD太有原則了 不能屈膝應付客戶呢? (邏輯觀念強的人似乎比較容易堅持原則齁?)

我有時候覺得 我還挺適合當PM的

匿名 提到...

RD, PM 客戶之間的關係, 永遠是剪不斷理還亂的三角關係
PM屈膝是為了單子, 為了錢..RD有時候吃米不知道米價, 客戶要聽的不是甚麼都不能作, 你們都不能作那我為何要代工..
所以客戶自己也要清楚, 不是全部代工, 不是只要做好控跟管, 細節更要清楚...PM就可以不用屈膝, 通常客戶無理, RD很虛..PM就會越屈膝...其實很少看到RD作PM作的很漂亮的..因為RD通常就是'可以作'和'不能做'兩種回答, 可是客戶想知道的並不是這樣, 他想知道可以作可以作多好, 不能作的替代方案是甚麼....所以這就是PM的藝術...




EMAIL: xpeoplex.bee@gmail.com

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