大家都說台南牛肉湯一等一, 可惜在這之前竟然沒有機會品嚐, 吃過這一次真是驚為天人, 雖然這一家還不是最兇猛厲害的善化阿秀牛肉湯, 聽說是阿裕最強.
牛肉湯不是鹹味不是甜味, 有一種清燉牛肉的鮮味, 牛肉沾上薑絲豆瓣醬, 入口後是有一點嚼勁的牛肉, 台南牛和外國牛還真有不同的口感.
對了, 這活動後面還有很多短裙辣妹, 很特別....
Dean 'MF' Jones: I think I can help you boys.
Kurt Buckman: Are you a businessman?
Dean 'MF' Jones: Mother F**ker Jones.
Dale Arbus: Your first name is 'Mother F**ker?
Dean 'MF' Jones: My real name is Dean.
Nick Hendricks: Dean Jones, that's the same name of the actor in Herbie and the Love Bug.
Kurt Buckman: Yeah he probably doesn't even know that is.
Dean 'MF' Jones: I know who he is b***h. I can't walk around this f**king neighborhood with that Disney-ass name.
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