2007年11月17日 星期六


Colette: In every dish, Chef Gusteau always has something unexpected. I will show you. I memorize all his recipe.
Linguini: [writing in notebook] Always do something unexpected.
Colette: No. Follow the recipe.
Linguini: But you just said that...
Colette: [interrupts] No, no, no, no. It was his job to be unexpected. It is our job to follow his recipes.

豐功偉業的前輩, 是進步的障礙:-)

Skinner: Move it, garbage boy! You are COOKING? HOW DARE YOU COOK in my kitchen! Where did you get such gaul to even attempt to be so monumentally deluded? I should have you drawn and quartered! I'll do it! I think the law is on my side! Larousse, haul and throw him down - after you put him in the freezer to squeeze the fat out of his brains!

Skinner是我覺得最喜歡的人物, 皮克斯之所以成功, 除了動畫和畫風外, 就是刻畫人物非常深入, 很快就能了解這個人的特性和個性, 上面這段話是他發現Linguini上班第一天, 就偷偷在烹調湯品, 他罵的真是入木三分, 罵人也是藝術

Drawn and Quartered 是古代殘忍的刑罰, 有點像我們的絞刑和五馬分屍

after you put him in the freezer to squeeze the fat out of his brains

Skinner命令人把這小子攆出去, 不過得先在冰箱中把他腦中的肥油擠出來, 可能法國有這種料理的方法吧

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